Twentieth Annual Conference

The Cost of Life Oppression, Exploitation and Struggle in the Time of Monsters

Nineteenth Annual Conference

Facing the Abyss: An Epoch of Permanent War and Counterrevolution

Draft Programme

Available here

Historical Materialism Seventeenth Annual Conference

Survival Pending Revolution: Historical Materialism in a Pandemic Age

Deadline for abstracts: 15th June 2020

Sixteenth Annual Conference.

Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow

Fifteenth Annual Conference

Taking on the Right

***The CFP is now closed.*** See below for programme and registration info.

Fourteenth Annual Conference

Revolutions Against Capital, Capital Against Revolutions?


Thirteenth Annual Conference, London 10-13 November 2016

Limits, Barriers and Borders

Organised in collaboration with the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Committee and Socialist Register.

Twelfth Annual Conference

Austerity and Socialist Strategy

Eleventh Annual Conference

How Capitalism Survives

Tenth Annual Conference

Making the World Working Class

Ninth Annual Conference

Weighs Like a Nightmare