Thinking about Money – Part I
Prof. Costas Lapavitsas and Dr. Geoffrey Ingham discuss ‘Thinking about Money’ on 18 January 2017 at the SOAS, London.
The Great Federation of Sorrows. Mourning and militancy in the age of Trump.
Richard Seymour on Enzo Traverso and Daniel Bensaïd
Towards a Definition of Social Reproduction Theory
Historical Materialism’s London Annual Conference 10-13 November 2016
Please find here the audio recording of the conference’s closing plenary session that took place Sunday 13 November, 17.15-19.00.
Rethinking Popular Sovereignty: From the Nation to the People of a Potential New Historical Bloc
HM London 2016 conference: Panagiotis Sotiris on Rethinking Popular Sovereignty: From the Nation to the People of a Potential New Historical Bloc
Marxist Theory and the Long Depression
HM London 2016 conference: Pete Green on Michael Roberts’s The Long Depression.
Thoughts on Marxism, Theorising Sexuality and Sexual Politics
This archive piece from 2002 attempts to frame a Marxist agenda in the study of sexuality at the start of the 21st Century. By Paul Reynolds.
Debating the rate of profit
HM London 2016 Conference: Panel on Michael Roberts’s The Long Depression
Michael Roberts on US Profit Rates: A Critique and an Alternative View
HM London 2016 conference: Jim Kincaid on Michael Roberts
Walter Benjamin: Fiction and Form by Esther Leslie
Talk given at Birkbeck, University of London, on 22 September 2016 for the occasion of the publication of Walter Benjamin’s The Storyteller: Tales out of Loneliness, Edited and translated by Sam Dolbear, Esther Leslie, and Sebastian Truskolaski. Illustrated by Paul Klee, Verso, London 2016
Fishy Neoliberalism in Morocco
Miriyam Aouragh writes on the recent protests in Morocco following the death of Mohsin Fikri
Teschke by Souvlis & Andry
The following interview was originally published by Viewpoint Magazine on 18 August 2016, and was conducted by George Souvlis and Aurélie Andry in 2015.