Edited by Mark E. Blum, University of Louisville, and William Smaldone, Willamette University
This volume offers the essential theoretical thought of the Austro-Marxist thinkers Otto Bauer, Max Adler, Karl Renner, Friedrich Adler, Rudolf Hilferding, and Otto Neurath over the span of their Austrian Social-Democratic careers, from the decades before World War I until the mid-1930s. Austro-Marxist theoretical perspectives were conceived as social scientific tools for the issues that faced the development of socialism in their time. The relevance of their thought for the contemporary world inheres in this understanding.
Biographical note
William Smaldone, Ph.D. (1989),SUNY at Binghamton, is Professor of History at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. He published monographs and articles on the history of European socialism, including, most recently, European Socialism: A Concise History with Documents (Rowman and Littlefield, 2013).
Table of contents
Max Adler
Otto Bauer
Karl Renner
Friedrich Adler
Otto Neurath
Rudolf Hilferding
Max Adler
‘The New Concept of Sociation’, in Lehrbuch der Materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung (1930)
‘The Social A Priori’, in The Enigma of Society (1936)
‘The “Given” as Living Consciousness’, in The Enigma of Society (1936)
‘The Activity of Consciousness’, in The Enigma of Society (1936)
‘Social Being and Social Science’, in The Enigma of Society (1936)
‘Marxism and Anarchism’, in Die Staatsauffassimg des Marxismus, Marx-Studien, Vol. 4, Part 2, Chapters XV, XVI, XVII, and XVIII (1922)
‘Why We Are Not Understood’, in Die Staatsauffassimg des Marxismus, Marx-Studien, Vol. 4, Part 2, Chapter XIX (1922)
‘Belief as an Epistemological Concept’, in Das Soziologishe in Kants Erkenntniskritik: Ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Naturalismus und Kritizismus (1924)
‘The Given in Ethics’, in Das Soziologishe in Kants Erkenntniskritik: Ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Naturalismus und Kritizismus (1924)
Otto Bauer
‘The Concept of Nation’, in The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy (1907)
‘Remarks on the Question of Nationalities’, Die Neue Zeit, Vol. XXV (1908)
‘Marxism and Ethics’, Die Neue Zeit, Vol. XXIII (1906)
‘Intervals in History’, Der Kampf, Vol. 3 (1910)
‘The Equilibrium of Class Strengths’, Der Kampf, Vol. 17 (1924)
‘The Transition from the Capitalist to the Socialist Society’, in Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre (1927–8)
Karl Renner
(Synopticus), State and Nation: A Constitutional Investigation of the Possible Principles of a Solution and the Juridical Prerequisites of a Law of Nationalities (1899)
‘Legal Institutions and Economic Structure’, in The Institutions of Private Law and Their Social Functions [Die Rechtsinstitute des Privatrechts und Ihre Soziale Funktion] (1929 [1904])
‘Economic Democracy: The Programme of Economic Self-Help Among the Working Classes’, Der Kampf, Vol. 19 (1926)
‘Economic Democracy’, Der Kampf, Vol. 19 (1926)
Friedrich Adler
‘Friedrich Engels and Natural Science’, Die Neue Zeit, Vol. XXIV (1906–7)
‘Why do we need Theories? (originally in Der Kampf, March, 1909)’, in The Renewal of the International [Die Erneuerung der Internationale] (1919)
Otto Neurath
‘Sociology as Physicalism [Soziologie im Physikalismus]’, in Erkenntnis, Vol. 2 (1931)
‘Protocol Statements’ [‘Protokollsätze’], Erkenntnis, Vol. 3 (1932–3)
Rudolf Hilferding
‘Preface’, Finance Capital, A Study of the Latest Development of Capitalism (1910)
‘The Work Community of the Classes?’, Der Kampf, Vol. 8 (1915)