Historical Materialism New York starts this Friday, April 21st, at NYU with its opening plenary ‘Class Composition and Strategy Today.’
The conference, titled ‘Resurgent Radicalism in a Polarized World,’ will feature dozens of important panels and discussions across the weekend, including sessions organized by co-sponors, Verso Books, Haymarket Books, Viewpoint Magazine, Jacobin, Salvage, and others.
Featured speakers include: Cinzia Arruzza, George, Ciccariello-Maher, Joshua Clover, Drucilla Cornell, Nancy Fraser, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Agnes Heller, Morgane Merteul, Kim Moody, Anwar Shaikh, Beverly Silver, Nikhil Singh, Jeffery Webber, and more.
To register in advance: hmny.org/register-now/
More info: facebook.com/events/1888010618081477/