– Episode 2 of the Historical Materialism podcast is now out! We spoke with Michael Roberts about “The Economics of Modern Imperialism” through the prism of Marx’s Value Theory.
Check out the piece we’ve made open access here:
– Lukács’s Destruction of Reason Conference, Feb 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2022, 5 – 8 pm EST (via Zoom): “Philosophy and the Rise of Fascism”. RSVP:
– Beirut Critical Theory School 2022. CV/Resumé + 500 words statement of interest + 150 words statement about funding to be submitted by March 1, 2022. Please email your application to natasha@bicar.org with the subject “BICAR Summer School 2022 Application”.
– Capitalism and the Sea: The Maritime Factor in the Making of the Modern World – Liam Campling and Alejandro Colás in conversation with Jeffery R. Webber. Friday, February 4, 10:00-11:30am EDT. Please Register:
– Now Out: Bodies and Artefacts: Historical Materialism as Corporeal Semiotics (2 vols.) by Joseph Fracchia (Paperback edition out 12 months later with Haymarket Books).
– Now Out: Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism – A Critical Study by Kevin B. Anderson (Paperback edition out 12 months later with Haymarket Books).
– Now Out: Gramsci Contested: Interpretations, Debates, and Polemics, 1922—2012 by Guido Liguori, Translator: Richard Braude (Paperback out 12 months later from Haymarket Books)
– Deadline extension for Call for Abstracts for HM Strategy Issue. Deadline extended once and once only to 14 February: