A Review of A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology by Robert Brandom
Matt McManus
Department of Politics, Whitman College, Washington
Robert Brandom has offered a rich and even profound reading of Hegel that should be of interest to generations of analytic philosophers. However, his approach eschews the radical potential of Hegelianism for both emancipatory and reactionary politics. Consequently, its value to progressives may be limited.
Hegel – logic – reconstruction – negative dialectics
Robert Brandom, (2019) A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology, Cambridge MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
One of the defining characteristics of analytic philosophy was supposed to be a hostility to Hegel and everything he stood for. Bertrand Russell’s scathing interpretation of British idealism and the subsequent caricature of Hegelianism, and to a lesser extent Marxism, as mystical pseudo-scientific positions are representative. In his short section on Hegel in The History of Western Philosophy, Russell mocks Hegel as a figure of mere ‘historical’ interest and claims that out of a logical mistake concerning the properties of things ‘arose the whole imposing edifice of his system. This illustrates an important truth, namely, that the worse your logic, the more interesting the consequences to which it gives rise.’[2]
In our own time, Hegel’s hysterical historicism is still the fertilizer to which modern totalitarianism owes its rapid growth. Its use has prepared the ground, and has educated the intelligentsia to intellectual dishonesty… We have to learn the lesson that intellectual honesty is fundamental for everything we cherish.[4]
Popper 2003, p. 63.
This incredibly harsh reception, both philosophically and especially politically, marked the analytic reception of Hegel for much of the twentieth century. Figures like John Dewey were a notable exception to stony silence at best and hostility at worst, and it should go without saying that an association with Hegelianism did little to help the reputation of these figures. Things were somewhat better in Anglo-American political theory and the rest of the humanities, where Hegel continued to be a major source of inspiration for everyone from Marxists like Fredric Jameson to (now reformed) neoliberal apologists such as Francis Fukuyama.[5]
Rethinking Hegelian Epistemology and Logic
A Spirit of Trust is a book decades in the making by the major progenitor of Pittsburgh Hegelianism. As with any tome of this length by a serious living philosopher about an infamously dense predecessor, it is literally and figuratively heavy lifting. It is to Brandom’s credit that one never feels lost or overwhelmed by the material’s density. His prose is crisp but relaxed, gently guiding the reader through a reconstruction of the Phenomenology. The confidence and ease with which Brandom makes his case testifies to decades spent working the material, and there is no doubt he makes a compelling argument for why analytic philosophers should – nay must – take Hegel seriously on their own terms. In this review, I will briefly discuss the epistemological and linguistic points of Brandom’s reading while summarising his fascinating arguments for interpreting Hegelian reasoning on contingency, necessity, and determinate negation as an innovative form of modal logic (p. 141). But the main focus of this review will be on the normative and historical dimensions of Brandom’s project. In particular, what it has to say for leftists and radical theorists who might be suspicious of any efforts to smooth down the sharp edges of Hegelian dialectic.
One of the most important things to note is that Brandom’s work is undoubtedly a reconstruction rather than, as the title suggests, a reading of The Phenomenology of Spirit. A reconstruction is, in Habermas’s words, where ‘one takes a theory apart and puts it back together in a new form, in order better to achieve the goal which it set for itself.’
Brandom’s interpretation of Hegel’s epistemological and logical philosophy builds on his earlier research in Making it Explicit and other works blending German Idealism and American Pragmatism. The fundamental insight is that the world for us is not strictly represented, as per the conceit of English empiricism – even in its guise as Popperian fallibilism. Instead it is constructed together as a form of holistic ‘objective idealism’, as Brandom puts it. Even our modal
The objective world [is still] conceptually structured in the sense of consisting of facts about objects and their properties and relations, articulated by alethic modal relations of relative compossibility and necessitation, even in worlds that never included knowing and acting subjects who applied normatively articulated concepts in undertaking and rejecting commitments. The mind-dependence of the objective world asserted by this dimension of Hegel’s idealism – call it ‘objective idealism’ – is not of the objectionable Berkeleyan reference-dependence kind (what Kant calls ‘subjective idealism’), but of the much more plausible (or at least colorable) sense-dependence kind. We can understand and describe possible worlds without subjects to whom deontic normative vocabulary applies as none the less making applicable alethic moral vocabulary. But our capacity to make sense of such possibilities depends on our being able to engage in practices made explicit by the application of deontic normative vocabulary. (pp. 83–4.)
What then is logic, and to a certain extent philosophy itself? It is, in a profound respect, an organ for self-reflection to make explicit the practices and norms implicitly embedded in the normative vocabularies of linguistic communities. It is not a predictive science in the sense favoured by some cruder analytic thinkers, since it can only encapsulate its own time in thought. Philosophy and logic cannot move from discussing the modally possible to describing the necessary path which will be taken by our normative vocabularies in the historical course of a community. But it can provide a retrospective explanation, and more problematically – as we will see – a kind of justification, for the present. In this respect, Brandom’s Hegel is close to the later Wittgenstein; a point made consistently in the latter parts of the book. As he puts it, ‘like Hegel, Wittgenstein thinks it is absolutely essential to appreciate both the [status-dependence of discursive normative attitudes with the attitude-dependence of discursive normative statuses as] complementary aspects of discursive social practices.’ (p. 654.) In other words, the task of philosophy is in a sense therapeutic and impartial; in the end it leaves the world as it is in actuality, but reconciles normative contradictions within thought. This is where Brandom’s position remains a form of idealism, committed as it is to interpreting and forgiving the world without aspiring to change it. It is also where I argue Brandom’s position runs into political problems. When the contradictions of thought reflect those of the material world, forgiveness may not be on the cards.
On Negative Dialectics and the Threat of Post-Modern Conservatism
The primary area where such discussion moves from being a scholarly dispute to one with material stakes is on the question of Hegel’s normative and political theory. If Plato was a philosopher who tried to influence real-world politics and faltered, Hegel and his progeny are on the opposite end of the spectrum. He has been claimed by everyone from Marxists to strict right-wingers like the late Roger Scruton in Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition.
Brandom’s explicit normative and implicit political argument is to portray Hegel as offering a ‘Whig’ vision of history.
Forgiving (recollectively recognizing) on this account, is hard work. It cannot be brought off with a single, sweeping, abstractly general gesture… In addition to fulfilling one’s commitment to practically affect the consequences of the doing one is forgiving, one must produce a concrete recollective reconstruction of the deed, under all its intentional and consequential specifications. Recollection is a making – the crafting of a distinctive kind of narrative – that is successful only insofar as having the form of a finding. What is found is found as having been all along implicit. (p. 746.)
In other words, we should situate ourselves as the owl of Minerva at dusk, forgiving the historical past its failures in order to reconstruct it as a narrative of normative progress towards an epoch of recognition. By doing so, we progress towards integration of the ‘other’ and our conflicts with them into a narrative of success, achieving an end to alienation in communal holism which still maintains and enriches each individual.
This is an inspiring story, but also a problematic one. Brandom’s reading of Hegel and his musings on the post-modern epoch of trust are fundamentally, like Rorty’s, a story of hope. The problem is that there is very little about postmodernity which inspires hope; indeed the emergence of hyper-partisan post-modern conservatives like Trump and Viktor Orbán atop the ruins of neoliberal hegemony suggests ours is not a spirit of trust but of deepening agonism and alienation.
Our moment is more of a Hegelian one: not the moment of highest tension when the teleological (re)solution seems near, but the moment after, when the (re)solution is accomplished, but misses its goal and turns into a nightmare. At this moment the Hegelian problem is that of how to remain faithful to the original goal of the (re)solution and refuse to revert to a conservative position, how to discern the (re)solution in and through the very failure of the first attempt to actualize it.
Our current epoch is indeed one where the purported spirit of trust which was to emerge in the neoliberal end of history is coming apart. The result has – so far – not been a return to progressive radicalism but towards reactionary politics which insists on a pseudo-Hegelian narrative of civilisational and national triumph being undone by the antagonistic leftist other and the subalterns they struggle to speak for. There is little that postmodern conservatives want more than for us to move away from political agitation and radical transformation, and to embrace a spirit of trust which quickly forgives the inequalities and violence of the past so that we may ignore them in the present.
None of this is to discount the many merits of Brandom’s book. It constitutes a major contribution to both the Hegelian tradition and philosophy more generally, and will no doubt be deservedly greeted as such. Its treatment of Hegel as a modal logician is especially innovative, and through more sustained dialogue with other philosophers working in that field could become an influential contribution. But progressives should be wary of looking to A Spirit of Trust for significant theoretical resources in our struggle against the rising tides of reaction and untruth. Genuinely achieving a post-modern community defined by a spirit of trust will require far more extensive and radical changes to the neoliberal status quo which end the material alienation of citizens across the developed world. Here progressives will likely find Hegelians like Žižek to be a firmer guide through troubled waters.
Brandom, Robert 2009, ‘History, Reason, and Reality’, in Reason in Philosophy: Animating Ideas, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Brandom, Robert 2019, A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
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